환경친화형 건축의 인텔리전트외피 디자인 표현특성과 적용에 관한 연구
경북대학교 | 212 pages| 2006.12.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1233 다운로드 2
Historically the basic purpose of the building was to protect people from the weather and the external hazards. Although regional climate or vegetation varied material, method or form of the building, which was developed into particular design factor, the basic purpose has been the same aiming point. In particular, building skin is a primary factor of the building image. It is the physical architectural device which marks the boundary between external environment and internal environment. Lexical meaning of the building skin is exterior part of building which surrounds and protects the interior space. Building skin is essential to human life. It has a function of balancing the interior and exterior. It is related not only to the survival but also to the aesthetic characteristics. After the industrial revolution, human-being has strongly believed that the progress of technology bring the utopian future.
환경 친화형 건축 인텔리전트 건축 건축 외피 환경친화형 인텔리전트 외피 디자인 지능형 건축물
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