전체 제목 저자 출처 학회/발행처
정부 감시 하에서의 온라인 정치 참여: 홍콩의 국가보안법 이후 시대를 중심으로 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
Extensive scholarship has examined how government surveillance affects citizens’ political participation, yet the mediating and moderating factors shaping this relationship remain insufficiently explored. This study investigates government-operated online surveillance in Hong Kong, a region that has experienced significant political transformation following the implementation of the National Security Law in 2020. Through an online survey (NN = 310), we examined how perceived surveillance influences online political participation of varying visibility levels, revealing a more complex picture than previously understood. While surveillance demonstrated pervasive chilling effects across both high-visibility and low-visibility activities, our path analyses uncovered distinct underlying mechanisms. Notably, fear emerged as a positive mediator between surveillance and political participation, actually stimulating citizens’ expressive and information-seeking behaviors. Additionally, trust in digital platforms moderates surveillance’s impact, particularly buffering its effects on low-visibility political activities. These findings contribute to surveillance studies by highlighting the dual nature of surveillance effects, where it simultaneously constrains and motivates political participation through distinct psychological mechanisms. Moreover, the study illuminates how digital platform characteristics and trust influence political activities online, offering insights into citizens’ adaptive strategies under increasing surveillance pressure.
정치 소문이 전염되는 이유: 이중 정보 처리 경로를 통한 SNS 정치 소문 유포의 3인칭 효과 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
This study investigates the psychological and cognitive mechanisms underlying political rumor dissemination on SNS in South Korea by synthesizing three theoretical frameworks: framing, the third-person effect (TPE), and the elaboration likelihood model (ELM). We conducted an online experiment (N=800) examining how different rumor frames (character vs. competence) influence rumor dissemination. The results demonstrate that participants exposed to character-framed rumors, compared to competence-framed ones, were more likely to exhibit TPE, perceiving others as more susceptible to the rumor’s inflfluence than themselves. Path analysis revealed signifificant indirect effffects, with character framing inflfluencing SNS dissemination intention through TPE and both peripheral and central routes of ELM. These findings advance our theoretical understanding of rumor dissemination by revealing the complex interplay between message framing, perceived inflfluence on others, and dual information processing routes. The study also enriches the literature on political rumor framing effffects by demonstrating how difffferent trait qualififications shape sharing behavior on social media, suggesting that character-framed political rumors may be particularly inflfluential in digital environments.
온라인 혐오 발언의 뿌리 추적: 아웃그룹 편견 탐구 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
Online hate speech has become a pressing issue in the era of information and communication technologies. This study examines the psychological roots of prejudice in online hate speech from the perspectives of contact theory and intergroup competition theory. By analyzing social survey data collected from 1,000 Korean online users in 2022, this study finds that social network size and online hate speech experiences influence prejudice, emphasizing how interactions and perceived competition shape attitudes toward out-groups. According to the results, social network reduced prejudice against people from different regions or with different religions, but increased prejudice against groups perceived as competing for resources, such as immigrants or feminists. These findings show that the mechanism linking contact and hate may vary depending on the specific context -particularly in the context of resource competition. At the same time, they suggest which groups are at risk of becoming targets of prejudice in contemporary Korean society. These findings suggest that eliminating hate requires more than intergroup interactions or policies alone; addressing underlying existential threats and fostering empathy are crucial.
CSR 커뮤니케이션에서 메시지 프레이밍과 공간적 거리 사이의 구조적 적합성 활용 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
Construal level theory (CLT), which describes the relationship between psychological distance and mental construal, has implications for message effects research. We seek to gain clarity in the application of CLT in the context of CSR campaigns by examining the role of the construal fit between message framing and spatial distance to a CSR campaign in generating positive outcomes of CSR communication. A 3 (message framing: why vs. how-company-framed vs. how-beneficiary-framed) x 2 (spatial distance to a CSR campaign: domestic vs. international) between-subjects experiment demonstrated the effects of construal fit between a domestic CSR campaign and how-framed messages on authenticity perception, company trust, and attitudes toward the company. However, these effects were not found in the setting of an international CSR campaign, implying that there is a boundary condition for “construal fit” effects. The present study provides theoretical insights by highlighting how message framing and spatial distance interact to shape consumer perceptions in CSR communication. Practically, the findings provide actionable guidance for practitioners, emphasizing the importance of tailoring message framing based on the spatial proximity of CSR campaigns to create more effective communication strategies.
르 쁘띠 왕자, 小王子, 어린 왕자의 프랑스어, 중국어, 영어 청취자들의 신경 반응 공유 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
Across linguistic and cultural divides, humans engage with stories as a central form of communication. Previous studies reveal that when humans listen to the same story told in their native language, their brain activity becomes temporally aligned. This story-evoked alignment of inter-subjective brain processes holds great theoretical signifificance as it points to neural commonalities that underlie communication. Yet, does this collective alignment of brains transcend linguistic boundaries? Analyzing brain responses of French, English, and Chinese speakers exposed to their respective renditions of ‘Le Petit Prince,’ this study reveals alignment across the brain’s default mode network. This network, which is implicated in sense-making and social cognition, exhibits similar spatio-temporal responses regardless of language, suggesting a universal processing framework. Our findings highlight the covert connection stories forge between diverse brains. This underscores the fundamental neurocognitive architecture underlying story processing and the collective impact of stories on human cognition and communication.
신체 인식과 기분에 미치는 사회적 비교의 역할 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
Body positive movement has emerged to challenge the prevalent media depictions of thin-ideal bodies. Yet, there is not enough empirical evidence to evaluate the effffectiveness of body positive content on social media. Based on social comparison theory, this study examines the psychological and affective outcomes of body positive images on Instagram, along with the moderating role of social comparison. A 3 (body image type: thin ideal vs. neutral vs. body positive images) × 2 (state social comparison: high vs. low) online experiment was conducted. Results revealed that body positive images led to greater positive mood. Higher social comparison was related to lower body perceptions, less positive mood, and more negative mood while showing moderating effects between image type and positive mood. Findings suggest that body positive images on social media contribute to positive affffective responses, where social comparison can be a key to understanding the underlying mechanism.
K-팝 디아스포라와 초국적 K-팝 외국인 K-팝 아이돌의 역설, 그리고 한국 언론의 인종과 성별 착취 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
This paper aims to reveal the paradox of K-pop by looking at foreigner (oe-gug-in) K-pop idols. The paradox is that although K-pop strives to reach the global, ) some elements remain strictly national, one of which is the expectations toward the ethnicity of the K-pop idols. This paper argues that the experiences of oe-gug-in K-pop idols, and especially female idols, are colonizing because the Korean media exploit their foreignness and manufactures it into a spectacle. This is part of the long tradition of Korean media reinforcing Korea’s national project that strengthens the cultural and ethnic superiority of Koreanness. Thus, this paper argues that oe-gug-in K-pop idols are not simply immigrants but subjects of a K-pop diaspora. With an emphasis on race and gender, this paper conducted textual analysis on a compilation video of female oe-gug-in K-pop idols that appeared in the famous Korean television program Knowing Brothers Knowing Brothers. This paper analyzed that female oe-gug-in idols are infantilized, silenced, exoticized, and fetishized by the Korean media, and ultimately othered as foreigners. This paper concludes that acknowledging oe-gug-in K-pop idols as subjects of diaspora will help understand the dark sides of K-pop that try to hide under glamor and entertainment.
소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서의 K-팝 팬덤 활동과 문화 개방성 간의 관계: 중재자로서의 K-Wave에 대한 태도 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
This study explores the relationship between engagement in K-pop fandom activities, K-wave perceptions, and cultural openness, particularly among international K-pop fans active on social media platforms. It adopts a transnational perspective to understand its broader implications. We empirically examine whether engagement levels differences within K-pop fandom activities affect individuals’ perceptions and attitudes. Through the mediating role of the K-wave’s impact, our findings indicate that active engagement in fandom activities positively correlates with cultural openness, directly and indirectly. By immersing themselves in K-pop fandom communities, individuals experience heightened exposure to diverse cultural elements encapsulated in the K-wave, resulting in a more open-minded attitude toward other cultures. This suggests that the K-wave, facilitated by social media and digital platforms, not only serves as entertainment but also fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. This study discourses on the role of K-wave in shaping global society. It underscores the significance of examining its impact from a transnational lens. Shedding light on the relationship between engagement in K-pop fandom activities, K-wave perceptions, and cultural openness, offers insights into the evolving dynamics of global cultural exchange. Furthermore, it provides implications for the future trajectory of K-wave as a cultural force in the global arena.
비공식 서사 제공자: K-팝 아이돌 문화의 맥락에서 본 '옴마' 문화 개요 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
Homma, a distinct group of fans within the K-pop culture, devotes itself to capturing and sharing images of beloved celebrities through high-quality photography and skilled retouching. Although often labeled as fan paparazzi or stalker fans, K-pop fan communities generally regard Homma with respect, recognizing them as vital contributors to celebrity photography consumption. Despite its cultural significance, Homma remains understudied by K-pop scholars. This research explores the dynamic relationships between Homma and the K-pop industry and the fan community within the domestic K-pop landscape. Drawing on the literature on celebrity studies and celebrity narratives, I argue Homma format, as an informal narrative provider contextualized in the celebrity-narrative centered K-pop idol industry, not only serves as an essential source of the collective narrative in the fan community but also takes the promotional roles selling their beloved celebrities to the other audience. This study will primarily be based on my empirical studies in South Korea (from 2016?2019) and online participatory observation in the K-pop fan communities (from 2016 till now), as well as a semi-constructed interview with a current active Homma in Seoul, South Korea.
트랜스컬처 팬덤, 상상의 고향, 그리고 사토리 팬 실천에 관한 메모 | 2025.02.03
기타 | Asian Communication Research (한국언론학회)
자료 제공처